Terms of Service


The following states the Terms and Conditions for using or accessing information and services available through the Visa Jobs site. These Terms create a binding agreement between You and Visa Jobs. These Terms also include the Privacy Policy. Each time You access or use the Site or Visa Jobs services You are agreeing to these Terms so please make sure You read and understand them. If You do not accept the Terms stated please do not use the Site or services offered by Visa Jobs.

Visa Jobs may revise or update these Terms at any time. Updated Terms will be posted on the Site and shall be effective immediately. Any user who violates these terms may have their access and use of the Site suspended or terminated at Visa Jobs's discretion.

General Use

All information, documents, graphics, sounds, images, or videos provided on this site are the work of Visa Jobs. Except as stated herein, none of the material may be copied, reproduced, distributed, downloaded, displayed, or transmitted in any form or by any means. This includes, but is not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Visa Jobs.


The headings, sections, and sub-sections are only for the convenience of reference and do not form any part of or affect the interpretation of this Agreement or any other written related agreements between the parties.

Trade Mark & Intellectual property

Copyright in the material and trademarks on this site are owned by Visa Jobs ABN 35 629 914 718 (“Visa Jobs”) unless otherwise indicated and you agree not to infringe any intellectual property rights owned by Visa Jobs.

Content & Information

By using the Site You agree that the use of information, content, and services are solely for personal use, not for any commercial use or to be modified, redistributed or sold. You may not use this site for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms of use.

Using data mining, screen scraping, robots, or similar data gathering, publication, or extraction tools on this site is strictly prohibited.

The contents of the Site are protected under Australian copyright, trademark, and other laws.

All visa information provided and published by Visa Jobs should be used as general information regarding Australian visas. The content of the Site should therefore be used as general information and does not constitute professional legal advice.

Any code that has been created for the Site can not be copied or adapted in any way.

Any use of the Visa Jobs Site other than specified in these Terms is prohibited unless You have written permission from Visa Jobs. Not complying with these Terms may lead to termination or suspension of your account without a refund if any fees have been paid.

You agree not to misuse any Visa Jobs content that appears on the Site in any way.

While Visa Jobs reserves the right to remove user content, CV/resumes, job listing or other material from the Site We do not assume any obligation to do so. To the extent permitted by law, disclaims any liability for failing to take any such action.

Personal Information

When creating and registering an account You will be required to provide Us with certain information, including without limitation, a valid email address.

When providing this information You are giving consent to Visa Jobs to share this information with selected third-party companies. These third-party companies may then contact You with products or services that may be relevant to your visa application or company.

Photograph Liability

Visa Jobs does not take any responsibility or agree to be held liable for the safety of individuals creating profile pictures or attachments of personal pictures on the website. We make reasonable efforts to protect the privacy of all candidates. Any contact information is only given to member employers and affiliate migration agents with contractual agreements in place. It is solely the applicant’s responsibility to accept or reject any solicitation for additional requirements and or documents by any parties within our job site platform. By filling out this feature, applicants accept any and all liability or risks associated with the creation of a profile picture.

Password and login

To create an account You must provide a login name and password. It is your responsibility to ensure this information is kept confidential. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your login details.

In employer accounts, the Admin for the account can add and remove users so that they can have access to information and applicants. They will be required to create their own login and password.

If You believe or know of any unauthorized use of your login details or other security breaches you must notify Visa Jobs immediately.

No Liability

The information gathered on this site includes, but is not limited to, the following: The website collects names, email addresses, and domain names during the registration process. We also obtain users’ email addresses and other attached information when they send us emails. Our system also uses browser cookies to track a user’s path through the Site. This enables Us to better respond to any problems with our service and to offer a more personalized service. If You would like to disable your cookies, visit the settings section on your browser toolbar and perform an index search for ‘disabling cookies’.

The Site is not intended to provide specific individual advice including, but not limited to, investment, financial, legal, accounting, and/or tax advice. We recommend that You consult with your own professional advisor(s) with respect to your particular circumstances.

Using information You send Us

At Visa Jobs, we are continuously trying to improve our site and the services offered. We, therefore, welcome any feedback and recommendations regarding the Site. You agree that Visa Jobs may use, reproduce and adapt any materials or information that you submit via email or public areas of the Site.

Marketing Email Campaigns

Your email address is only added to the mailing list for the website's transactional and promotional emails if you specifically requested to be added and you responded positively to a confirmation email by logging into your account successfully. You can request for your email address to be removed from this list any time you like by using the unsubscribe link provided at the bottom of each transactional or promotional email sent to you. Removal is immediate.

Emails you can expect to receive:

Log in Email, Legal Expert Notification, Account Review Notification, Accept, Message Notification, Request Notification, General Account Notification.

Each email campaign is specifically designed to encourage registration with this website. The content of these emails is specific to the online account creating and profile creating level an individual is currently at, and the messages in them are relevant to it. Email campaigns are also user behavior and membership maturity specific.

Visajobs.co does not distribute or sell your email address to any third-party vendor/companies. Email addresses are only made visible to verified legal experts that are in the process of selecting your profile for an offering or candidate short-listing.

Your email address will not be passed on to others in any way or form with the following exceptions: If the law requires it, such as through a court order.

Users and third-party dealings

Visa Jobs does not confirm users are who they claim to be or that the information they provide is accurate. Therefore in the event, You have a dispute with another user You release Visa Jobs (including our agents, employees, and contractors) from claims, demands, and damages of every kind, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.


Visa Jobs does not warrant that any Visa Jobs site or any Visa Jobs services will operate error-free or that any Visa Jobs site and its servers are free of computer viruses or other harmful mechanisms. Visa Jobs makes no warranties about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the Visa Jobs content, services, software, text, graphics, and links or about non-infringement.

Additional Terms for user

As a Visa Jobs user (employer or job seeker) You agree to not:

  • Submit or post any information to the Site that is not your own, is false, inaccurate, or misleading;
  • Post content or materials that endorse or provide instructions about illegal activities or other activities prohibited by these Terms;
  • Apply to a job or post a CV/resume on behalf of someone else
  • Post job adverts that are not genuine or available within your organization. If you are posting an advert on behalf of another company (i.e you are a recruiter) then you must state this in the advert by choosing the option of “recruitment company” rather than “private advertiser” within the Profile section of your dashboard;
  • Make unsolicited contact with other users to promote or sell products or services. This includes unsolicited emails or mail, phone calls, and faxes;
  • Make contact with users that have stated that have requested to not be contacted by You;
  • Send “chain letters”, “junk mail” or mass mailing
  • Post or submit any content that is considered offensive e.g. promotes racism, bigotry, discrimination or hatred against any individual or group;
  • Post or promote any information or content that is misleading, illegal, threatening, abusive, defamatory, or libelous.


Additional terms for Job Postings

– When posting job adverts You must make sure they don’t contain:

  • False, inaccurate, or misleading information
  • Unlawful discrimination
  • More than one job per advert
  • Information, links, or advertisements for competitors of Visa Jobs
  • Content selling or promoting products or services

– Jobs advertised on the Site must be for genuine vacancies within Australia

– Employers advertising on the Site cannot in any way request candidates pay for any costs involved in the process of sponsoring that are legally required to be paid for by the employer.

– All adverts must comply with local, national, and international laws such as but not limited to laws relating to equal employment opportunities, data privacy, intellectual property, data access and use, and employment eligibility requirements

– Visa Jobs reserves the right to remove any job posting from the Site that in the reasonable exercise of Visa Job’s discretion does not comply with the Terms outlined in this document.

Services Offered / Limitations

At Visa Jobs we do not assist in applying for any type of visa, nor provide legal services and/or legal advice as we are not registered, migration agents. We provide the platform to connect skilled workers from around the globe with Australian employers, and our affiliate migration agents if needed. Visa Jobs also provides an information center, where all known information explains how to legally obtain TSS Visa for skilled workers or by an Australian employer. However, our subscription services allow users to connect directly with legal Australian migration experts, a Visa Jobs affiliate migration agency who can assist with lodging for a TSS visa application. And if needed, our affiliates may charge them the applicable visa application fees.

Products and Services

List of services provided: Jobsite; Uploading resume; Creating a profile; Online access to affiliate registered migration agents; Creating profile pages for employers looking to hire via TSS Visa Sponsorship; Login access to the website; Candidates applying to job ads, Candidate membership subscriptions; and Posting employer job adverts.

We are an online platform where global candidates and Australian employers can easily navigate through the entire TSS Visa process, from understanding the visa, and requirements right through to employment in Australia. You must set up an online profile (“Membership”) by filling out an online application form, which includes submitting an electronic copy of your resume, documents pertaining to your employment and education, copies of your passport, photograph(s).

Your account will be disabled and refund NOT granted if you are found to have solicited any members or employers to pay for products, ask for Credit Card information, pay for products other than what is supplied by Visa Jobs directly, advertise other services, use languages that are offensive in nature, slander and defame Visa Jobs and its member employers, harassment of other members, complaints and report abuse notifications from other members if received.

Service Eligibility. You represent and warrant that you (a) are not under the age of 18; (b) have not previously been suspended or removed from Visa Jobs; (c) is not a direct competitor of Visa Jobs; (d) do not have more than one Visa Jobs account at any given time; and (e) that you have full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and in doing so will not violate any other agreement to which you are a party. (f) Are not a spammer and here with the sole intention to promote or defame or negatively promote Visa Jobs. In addition, you must provide all equipment and software necessary to connect to Visa Jobs, including, but not limited to adequate Internet browsing tools, software, and internet connection.

Indemnify us: You have to indemnify us and hold us harmless from any damages, losses, and costs (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees) related to third party claims, charges, or investigations, caused by (a) your failure to comply with this Agreement, including, without limitation, your submission of content that violates third party rights or applicable laws, (b) any content you submit to Visa Jobs or (c) any activity in which you engage on or through Visa Jobs.

Delivery Policy

While all users are able to create free accounts on our website and take advantage of our free services, users may also opt to pay for advance memberships. As soon as paying the advance membership fee online, members will be able to access additional benefits and features on this site from their account.

Provision of Featured Ads or Advanced Membership Services

You are required to pay all costs relating to your access to the Internet and the Site.

You will receive access immediately upon registration and after paying the applicable fees online relating to your membership. You can access your online account and use premium services only through the same account used to pay for these services. You may also check the status of your membership and added service benefits through your account dashboard.


You shall be charged if, and as, indicated by the Site. Details regarding the “Featured Ads & “Advanced Membership’ Services are available on the Site. Unless otherwise expressly stated, all prices stated on the website are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and shall be inclusive of GST and other duties.

If you agree to pay the fee for access to either of Visa Job’s candidate one-off subscriptions (‘Advanced Membership’), and or employer’s per unit services (‘Featured Ads’); the applicable nonrefundable fee will be charged by Visa Jobs to the users and/or the company or other corporate entity designated by you in accordance with the payment method you have chosen for your purchase, and the amount depending on your chosen service. If you are paying by credit card, by designating a card to be billed, you confirm that you are authorized to make such purchase and that you are the holder of such card (i.e. that the card is issued in your name). Visa Jobs accepts a variety of different payment methods, so please check the website for the best way for you to pay.

You agree that your purchase of the Visa Jobs paid service is neither contingent upon the delivery of any future functionality or features nor dependent upon any oral or written public comments made by us with respect to future functionality or features.

Visa Jobs may change the price for Paid Services from time to time. In respect of the Visa Jobs Paid Service, such a changed price will take effect on new user registrations for candidates and your purchase of per unit services for employers.

You waive all claims relating to charges unless claimed within 30 days after the charge (this does not affect your credit card issuer rights). PAYMENTS ARE NONREFUNDABLE AND THERE ARE NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS FOR PARTIALLY USED PERIODIC ALLOTMENTS UNDER THE APPLICABLE PAID SERVICE. Refunds (if any) are at the absolute discretion of Visa Jobs and only in the form of credit for Visa Jobs services.

You acknowledge and agree that any credit card and related billing and payment information that you provide to Visa Jobs may be shared by Visa Jobs with companies who work on Visa Jobs’s behalf, such as payment processors and/or credit agencies, solely for the purposes of checking credit, effecting payment to Visa Jobs and servicing your account. Visa Jobs may also provide information in response to valid legal processes, such as subpoenas, search warrants, and court orders, or to establish or exercise its legal rights or defend against legal claims. Visa Jobs shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of such information by such third parties.

All withholding tax remittances to the government are your sole responsibility and Visa Jobs shall have no liability whatsoever therefore. Invoices may be provided to you via electronic mail unless otherwise specified by Visa Jobs.

Information Removal

We reserve the right to remove any information from the database at our sole discretion. Database information removable by the Us includes accounts, resumes, job postings, or other records.

Links to Other Sites and Disclaimer

References, links, hyperlinks, and advertising contained on the Site to any third party are not approval, endorsements, or support for the third party or the third party’s goods and/or services. VisaJobs.Co is not liable nor is any liability assumed for incompatibility, loss of privacy, invasion of privacy, privacy disputes, non-suitability, viruses, loss of service, or any other problem of any kind arising from or in connection with the third party, the third party’s web-site or the third party’s goods and/or services. You accept responsibility for ensuring the use of anti-virus products and other protective products while visiting the Site or any connected third-party site.


All data, material, and information contained on the Site are not guaranteed to be current, accurate, or complete and are subject to change without notice. In addition, We shall not be held responsible for server, hardware, software, Internet transmission, monitor settings, website design, and construction that produces incomplete or inaccurate data, material, and information that may be received and/or displayed on your Internet browser. While We agree that the services shall be of reasonably acceptable quality, all other data, material, and information contained on the Site are provided on an “AS IS” and “WHERE IS” basis. THE VISA JOBS MAKE ABSOLUTELY NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE SITE OR ITS CONTENTS.

For any questions regarding this site please contact us at the location stated below.

No guarantees for genuine and vacant jobs

Visa Jobs gives no guarantee that jobs advertised on the Site are genuine jobs or that the employer is legally able to sponsor overseas workers. Visa Jobs have implemented certain procedures in order to minimize the number of fake vacancies however we give no guarantee that every job advertised is genuine.

Visa Jobs can not guarantee that jobs advertised on the Site are available at the point of applying. Visa Jobs cannot be held liable if advertised positions are filled prior to the advert ending or expiring.

No guarantee for genuine applicants

Visa Jobs gives no guarantee that candidates applying to job vacancies are genuine and real. Precautions and procedures are in place to reduce the number of fake candidates however we give no guarantee that every applicant is genuine and the information they provide is real.

If you believe anyone you are in contact with is not genuine or who they say they are report it to Visa Jobs and We will investigate the matter further.

Your risks

You assume all risks associated with dealing with other users you come into contact with whilst using the Site. These risks may include but are not limited to the risk of dealing with people acting under false pretenses, physical harm, dealing with strangers, minors, or offensive people.

Prohibited Immigration/Employment Categories

The following lists of categories for immigration or employment that are prohibited from using VisaJobs.Co (“Prohibited Activities”). If you are uncertain as to whether your business is a Prohibited Employer or have questions about how these requirements apply to you, please contact us at enquiry@visajobs.co

By registering for services with Visa Jobs, you are confirming that you will not use the service to accept Immigration/Employment in connection with the following businesses, business activities, or business practices:

  1. Online or other non-face-to-face tobacco, e-cigarette sales, or related items (such as personal vaporizers or e-juice)
  2. Weapons and munitions
  3. Virtual currency that can be monetized, re-sold, or converted to physical or digital products or services or otherwise exit the virtual world
  4. Sexually-oriented or pornographic products or services
  5. Marijuana dispensaries and related businesses
  6. Door-to-door sales
  7. Offering substantial rebates or special incentives to the cardholder subsequent to the original purchase
  8. Negative response marketing
  9. Engaging in deceptive marketing practices
  10. Sharing cardholder information with another merchant for payment of up-sell or cross-sell product or service
  11.  Engaging in any form of licensed or unlicensed aggregation or factoring
  12. Age restricted products or services
  13. Bail bonds
  14. Bidding fee auctions
  15. Chain letters
  16. Check cashing, wire transfers, or money orders
  17. Counterfeit products
  18. Currency exchanges or dealers
  19. Embassies, foreign consulates, or other foreign governments
  20. Firms selling business opportunities, investment opportunities, mortgage consulting or reduction, credit counseling, repair or protection, or real estate purchases with no money down
  21. Credit card and identity theft protection
  22. Drug paraphernalia
  23. Extended warranties
  24. Psychic services
  25. “Get rich quick” schemes
  26. Gambling (including but not limited to lotteries, Internet gaming, contests, sweepstakes, or offering of prizes as an inducement to purchase products or services)
  27. Sports forecasting or odds making
  28. Illegal products or services
  29. Mail-order brides
  30. Money transmitters or money service businesses
  31. Multi-level marketing or pyramid schemes
  32. Online or other non-face-to-face pharmacies or pharmacy referral services
  33. Prepaid phone cards, phone services or cell phones
  34. Pseudo pharmaceuticals
  35. Quasi-cash or stored value
  36. Securities brokers
  37. Shipping or forwarding brokers
  38. Substances designed to mimic illegal drugs
  39. Timeshares
  40. Any product or service that infringes upon the copyright, trademark, or trade secrets of any third party
  41. Any product, service or activity that is deceptive, unfair, predatory, or prohibited by one or more Card Networks
  42. Funding any of the items included on this Prohibited Businesses list

Contract and Governing Law

This Agreement, any use of the Site, and any order or purchase made through the facilities of this Site shall be governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia and by agreeing to them you agree to the jurisdiction of its courts and its appellate courts and the jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Australia sitting in Victoria. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply. You also agree and hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts of Australia, to resolve any disputes, actions or claims and You acknowledge that this submission is done voluntarily.

THE SERVICES (AND GOODS, IF ANY) ARE AVAILABLE IN APPLICABLE STATES AND TERRITORIES OF AUSTRALIA ONLY AND ANY OTHER JURISDICTION WHERE THE SERVICES (AND GOODS, IF ANY) CAN BE LEGALLY ADVERTISED AND SOLD. The Site and any contents contained therein does not constitute an offer, invitation to treat, or solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction in which any such actions cannot be legally made. You acknowledge and agree that You have the legal capacity to enter into an agreement with Us and, if not, You agree to immediately exit and not return to the Site.

Internet Contract Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

Except as expressly provided in this agreement, visajobs.co inc does not make or give any representation, warranty, or condition of any kind, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including without limitation warranties as to uninterrupted or error-free transactions, privacy, security, merchantability, quality, title, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose, or those arising out of a course of dealing or usage of trade. in no event shall visajobs.co be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, howsoever caused. this includes but is not limited to any lost profits, lost savings, loss of use or lack of availability of facilities including computer resources, routers, and stored data, punitive, exemplary, aggravated, or economic damages arising out of the products or services provided by the supplier or otherwise related to this agreement. this is applicable even if the supplier or any of their lawful agents, contractors or employees have been advised of the possibility of such damages or claim. in no case will the supplier’s total liability arising under any cause whatsoever (including without limitation breach of contract, negligence, gross negligence, or otherwise) be for more than the amount paid by you under this agreement for the specific product or service to which the claim relates. in no event will Visa Jobs be liable to you for damages or losses resulting from viruses, data corruption, failed messages, damages arising as a result of transmission errors or problems, telecommunications service providers, the supplier’s contractors, the internet backbone, third-party supplier of products or services, damages or losses caused by you, or your respective employees, agents or subcontractors, or other events beyond the reasonable control of the supplier. for the purposes of the disclaimer and limitation of liability section, the “supplier” shall include the supplier’s affiliates and the supplier’s and its affiliates’ respective directors, officers, employees, agents, and contractors.

This section shall survive the termination or expiration of this agreement.

Confirmation of Internet Contract and Print Request

The agreement between You and Visa Jobs for the purchase or use of the Jobsite services has been successfully completed as of the day you agree and accept these terms and conditions by clicking the ” ACCEPT”, “REGISTER” & “SUBMIT” buttons.

Contact Information

All inquiries and payments regarding the service made available on this website can be directed to:

Email: enquiries@visajobs.com.au

Tel: +61 51 966 185 [Mon – Fri AEST]

Visa Jobs Pty Ltd